In this post we list several customer enquiries about hard drive data recovery. Perhaps you have a problem similar to this? In which case we should be able to help recover your data.

Desktop PC Hard drive WD Elements 1TB
Unable to be sensed by PC when plugged in. Recovery software not able to pick up the external hard drive and also have tried different cables, all didn’t work.
It will be appreciated if your professional advice could be provided. I am free to come down tomorrow morning to your Northampton recovery centre if there is an available slot.

Yes you are welcome to call in, the details of our Northampton data recovery office are here.

iPhone 6 stuck on Apple logo
Could you give me a quote for data recovery from an iPhone 6. It has the classic ‘ iPhone stuck on the apple logo and then wont turn on’ issue. I think I need to do a full factory reset so I think I just need my photos and videos from the phone if possible.

If you want your data back please DON’T do a factory reset – call us.

Samsung M3 Not Recognised
I have a Samsung (Seagate) M3 500GB external hard drive which is not being recognised by my laptop, after I accidently dropped it on the floor. It is now showing symptoms of the ‘click of death’. I have not opened up to actual hard drive. Would you be able to recover to data from this hard drive?
If so, how much would you charge?

The ‘click of death’ is usually indicative of a head fault on that hard drive. To recover the data successfully means a donor drive will have to be sourced and the faulty components replaced. Costing for this type of operation are around £500.

Deleted Messages on Phone
I have deleted a message off my phone 2 days ago which I urgently need! Can you help me recover it!

Quite possibly yes. In the meantime it’s important that you use your phone as little as possible. Ideally, switch it off immediately so a the possibility of the data you want being overwritten is zero.

OSX Sierra Problem
After installing mac OS X sierra. the installation stopped half way, i had to boot up using a different hdd. Now i can’t mount my hard drive and its telling me i can’t repair it and its making a clicking noise too, but not all the time. Im really worried i will lose all my data as i write music for a living and have a album coming out in a few days and it’s all on there.. 🙁
What are the chances of recovering all my files or having a direct copy of the hdd? Is that even possible as the installing of the OS X stopped half way? So it may have a corrupt boot or something? I checked the hdd the other day for health and it was fine.
It’s a WD 1TB WD10JPVX

Hmm it sounds like areas of the hard drive have become unreadable. This is often a problem that spreads very quickly across the hard drive. Ideally we need to take a look at the problem sooner rather than later.

Laptop keeps Freezing
Around a week ago, my laptop froze overnight after being put in to sleep mode. After the power being disconnected, it worked normally and there were no indications from windows that anything was wrong. However, it froze a further two occasions (both overnight) and was fixed by disconnecting power. However, after fourth occasion, it is no longer working. The hard drive is not recognised in the bios and there is a low volume clicking (16 clicks on each occasion). The drive is a Samsung/Seagate 1tb drive and is about 500gb full.

Uh-oh this is the ‘click of death’ problem – see above.

Hard Drive with broken PCB
I’m on the outskirts of Liverpool and have physically damaged the PCB on my seagate ST3000DM001 HDD. It contains all my mass storage on my computer so I need it working again. I don’t believe the internals are damaged as it was caused by a screw head pushing against the pcb. The board number is 100749730 REV A.

Yes we should be able to help you with that, see the details of our Liverpool office here.

WD My Passport For Mac Makes Clicking Noise
Tried on multiple Macs/MacBooks but nothing can find it. Hard drive light comes on when connected and makes a weird clicking noise when trying to work.
It has all of my first year university work on and I need it for a portfolio!
I’m at the University of London so preferable contact by email please.

Another ‘click of death’ fault – see above, details of our London office (near Fenchurch Station here)