One in Sunderland…

> Data Recovery SUNDERLAND: 4 Admiral Way, Doxford International Business Park, Sunderland SR3 3XW

Our branch in Sunderland represents our first data recovery foray into the North of England. We already have a data recovery office in Glasgow but our Sunderland office is intended to focus on the Tyne and Wear region as a whole and include Newcastle, Middlesborough, Durham, Darlington, Hartlepool etc.

And another in Northampton…

> Data Recovery NORTHAMPTON: Victory House, 400 Pavilion Drive, Northampton Business Park, Northampton, NN4 7PA

Our new office in Northampton is intended to serve the general Northampton region – Milton Keynes, Peterborough, Leicester, Coventry, Leamington Spa, Cambridge etc.

I wanted to put an iconic image on this post for Northampton…. but could think of one… I was told that Northampton is ‘good for shoe makers’ but could find nothing image wise that would tie in with Northampton. There’s the rugby, football and cricket teams too I guess. In the end I went for the ‘Welcome to Northampton’ sign – Easy!

So, that brings the total to 10 regional data recovery points of presence throughout the UK where you can take your faulty data storage equipment
– Whether it be from a PC, a Mac, a business server, or an external hard disk… Drop it into us if you want us to take a look at it.